
Memories are something that you cherish for the rest of your life. Good or bad memories, they are still your memories. I don’t see why you want to get rid of them. They tell your story about your life, and you can say to friends, “Hey, remember that time when we were playing tug-a-war together?” Memories do have a big impact on your life. If you don’t think so, that’s just your opinion. They’re important because they shape who you are. They show how talented you are and creative you are. Sometimes you just have to look deep inside your heart and remember all your great memories you had with your friends and family.

What I am doing for the holidays

My family is throwing a party for christmas.My and parents threw a christmas tree party and everyone was there in my complex and there was lights, candy, and hot chocolate! And me and my friend played “Just Dance 4” and danced for 4 hours! Isn’t that crazy! Overall we had a lot of fun. Also when we got the tree me and my cousin play tag and she was 3 or 4. We had fun and ate popcorn and had hot chocolate then took some pictures. We had some much fun!


On our trip we did some fun stuff like campfires, hikes, and other stuff. My favorite part of the trip was the “Nocturnal Animal Study” what happened was we were standing in a dried up lake and the counselor said that this was completely boring. He made up a new plan and he said that we were going to ding-dong ditch the teachers and crash the game gladiator ball then steal some cookies, and finally scare the old man Murphy hikers did mention this was all a night. The kids jumped with glee and smiling faces even I myself was jumping up and down! So we did ding-dong ditch the teachers we were hiding behind the trees and bushes the kid ran up and knocked on the door and ran the teachers were looking for something. We laughed on our way to the next place gladiator ball the three girls went in they got caught we ran for our life! then we stole the cookies. And we sacred the old man Murphy hikers everyone was so scared! All of us laughed so hard we fell on the ground and rolling on the floor! At the end of the night all of us had a good time. we kept talking about it on our way to the cabin.