Activity 2: Chances for leadership As a student, you often have chances to show leadership while at school. What are some of these leadership roles available at your school? Would you try to take on one of these roles? Why or why not?

No, I whould not take on these roles because they require a lot of work. Its not that I don’t be a leader or anything because I do like being a leader but the work that requires to be a leader is a lot. So I usually stay out of it. I just shake it off, then I do my own thing.


Memories are something that you cherish for the rest of your life. Good or bad memories, they are still your memories. I don’t see why you want to get rid of them. They tell your story about your life, and you can say to friends, “Hey, remember that time when we were playing tug-a-war together?” Memories do have a big impact on your life. If you don’t think so, that’s just your opinion. They’re important because they shape who you are. They show how talented you are and creative you are. Sometimes you just have to look deep inside your heart and remember all your great memories you had with your friends and family.